Friday 12 August 2016


Lama tak update blog.

Its been almost one year.  New year, new blog! Hahahaha... After a year, I'm already finished my first year degree in Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) aka Dentistry.

At first, I'm actually not very interested in this field. However, my sister really wanted me to futher Dentistry as my degree studies. Because, for her, this profession can let me to carry out the responsibilities not only as a dentist (insyaAllah) but also as a daughter and a mom oneday. So, she asked me to choose this course as my future studies. It is difficult for me to make a decision as my interest is only on engineering. After thinking it over and over again, I finally decided to futher my study in Dentistry. Actually, I'm doing this because of my mom. I thought this is the best way to repay her. Actually, my mom's dream was to be a doctor. My mom is smart! She always got the excellent results in her examination. However, she had to stop studying due to the financial problems. so, her dream unfulfilled. This seemed to give her hope to see one of her children wants to be a doctor.

So, here I now. Still in progress. To be as good as Solomon. As busy as bee. To be what my mom wants me to be!

And finally, I spent a year as a student in LUC.

As an ex-first year degree student, I've learn many things about life here. First of all, we need to be more dependent. Why? Because this is the only one thing that can change our 'manja' attitude to be the bravest person in this world. Yeah, but sometimes you'll feel that you're not stronger enough but actually you can face everything by yourself.

Almost one year, I tried to help myself to be more couragous and brave to experience everything. Crying. Laughing. Happy. Stress. Exhaustion. These feelings were all mixed into one which can make us more powerful. I'm still remember, someone told me (not only me, but everyone la), "Jadilah dentist yang power". This person tried to share some tips on how to study well and be more focus in learning and experiencing The Dentist's World. So, this showed that DDS is not as easy as ABC. You need to have subtle plans on how to achieve well in the study. I advise myself. Please be patient. Please... Not matter what will happen, just do!

And... alhamdulillah. First year already past!

Second year is coming...

This year is the toughest year in DDS.

Like what my seniorsss said, " Second year is just like a hell..."

(Aku telan liur)

Mati la nak...

What we can do?

Just face it.

InsyaAllah. We'll can do the best...


As post-first year DDS student, these are the meaningful experience and moments that hard to forget about.

1. I advise myself that I better check my sport shoes first before I'm going to do xi shua-shua.
It was very pressure when the soles of my shoes torn off while I was dancing dengan sakannya.

2. Unbelieveable... the degree students still playing soap. 


And.. many of us likely to use Fruitare Brand. Seriously, wangi je lab time tuh. Actually, this is a good way to practice jari-jari yang keras to be more graceful and berseni during the carving session. 14 tooths were coming after soap. But, that time must used the waxes. 

3. You must know how to play with FIRE. ðŸ˜Ž
Hat nih kena terer. Hang tak terer habih la. 
When you know how to play with fire, its easy for you to smooth the structure of the wax tooth. its can give a shining appearance and look more elegant. For those who were not very pro with fire (like me), just use kain. Kain paling ajaib adalah kain stokin ye... or kain lap spectacles. 

4. Carving session
Sangat mencabar mentally dan physically. You better to change your lenses and improve the powerness before you begin the carving session. Its too complicated when you need to make the shape of the tooth, crown, roots, the tip of the crown and also the ridges.

These are the tools special for carving session.

5. Carving session is very havoc when accompanied by musics yang rancak-rancak and jiwat karat seperti memori berkasih and etc. Plus, ada geng yang kaki karokk. 

6. Ingatkan Dentistry nih belajar pasal gigi-gigi je. Tapi kena jugak belajar pasal seni bina. Macam student architecture da... Tapi bukan bina rumah, bina Dental Clinic based on our own creativity.

" Little Dental Clinic" is one of my first year's project.

7. Don't ever think, di usia tua-tua bangka macam nih tak main plasticine? Main tau. Actually, first year is a year that menggamit nostalgia lama. Main api la, kotal la, kayu la, lilin la...

8. Learned to be more patient bila tengok model gigi tak occlude dengan betul. Keje malocclude je...

9. Speechless
When one of your lecturers thought that youre pregnant. So, be careful noh hahahhaa. I think she told me like that because she always see me with my baju besar... so maybe thats why she assumed that I was preggy woman/student. And one more thing, jangan minum air lepas makan. Nanti boroi. This is also can invite misunderstanding again...

10. Homesick
Well. Its normal. Hehehe... and now Im still homesick althought I was almost two weeks in KJ. I still can't move on to think about my family and my cats. Rindu kampung...

Thats all for the first year's story...

And, now...

Welcome, Second Year. 

Yours Sincerely,
Amirahanis Arshad